Mexican wrestler d!ed on ring

2:58 AM

The autopsy results are in on legendary Mexican wrestler, Pedro Aguayo Ramirez Jr., known in the lucha libre circuits as “Hijo del Perro Aguayo” after he died in the ring on Friday while competing in a match in Tijuana, Mexico. According to Ernest Franco, the official doctor for the Tijuana Wrestling Commission, Aguayo died of a heart attack that he suffered after a broken neck in the ring at the feet of another legendary wrestler, Rey Mysterio Jr.

According to the results, Aguayo’s spinal cord was severed when he was kicked in the head by Rey Mysterio Jr. Shortly after the kick, Aguayo suffered a cervical stroke that prompted the heart attack that eventually killed him. After the injury, Aguayo immediately fell on to the ropes of the ring and lay there unconscious while the match continued.

Police are currently investigating the incident to determine whether or not manslaughter charges should be brought upon Rey Mysterio Jr. who’s real name is Oscar Guiterrez. However, the President of the Tijuana Wrestling Commission, Juan Carlos Pelayo, believes that the death was not Misterio’s fault, and that no negligence occurred.

Fans of the sport have criticized the wrestling commission after video of the tragedy surfaced online showing the slowness of medical help arriving to Aguayo. After falling unconscious, the match continued for nearly two minutes before any medical personnel arrived. Even after help arrived, it took another 80 seconds for a doctor to get to Aguayo to determine what was wrong.

The family of Pedro Aguayo Ramirez Jr. including his Hall-of-Fame father, Pedro Aguayo Damian, known in the ring as “El Perro Aguayo,” believes that the death was a tragic accident, and do not hold Rey Mysterio responsible. His father and his family asked Rey Mysterio to be a pallbearer at the funeral, which was held Monday and noted the long history between Rey Mysterio and Aguayo Jr. Other wrestlers even posted pictures of the pair as children in their wrestling outfits together as proof of their long friendship and history.

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